Tuesday, July 27, 2010

New Camera - David Walker Shoot

I've finally acquired my own camera! I'm particularly excited about being able to photograph others, as well as myself. So I decided to make my first official shoot a very close friend of mine - David Walker.

I've always been particularly mesmerised by the tattoo on his right arm which depicts the "Satan" tarot card - as Dave is particularly enchanted by everything occult.

I wanted to create a sense of "unveiling" through light, which proved harder at first seeing as we had absolutely no studio equipment. However in strokes of genius on Dave's part, we ventured into the afternoon sun and constructed a make-shift background on the side of his shed.

Originally I wanted to try for some odd angles of reveling the tattoo, which proved difficult considering Dave is 6"3. We settled for a calmer look in which the tattoo, his face and his chest were exposed. I'm particularly fond of the chest shots as they show 2 large scars he acquired while being treated for cancer in 2004.
David Walker 1

I wasn't sure if I wanted colour versions or black and white so I decided to keep both options. I'm much fonder of the Black and white, especially with the subject matter. However I did feel the need to go beyond conventional photography and venture into paint.
Painting; David Walker.

- Hanna